Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Aaron Stetter | Executive Director of EPC | LinkedIn

Stakeholders react to proposed Durbin-Marshall Credit Card Bill

Lawmakers and industry stakeholders have voiced varied opinions regarding the Durbin-Marshall Credit Card Bill, which seeks to reform the credit card industry.

Senator Dick Durbin stated, "This legislation is about fairness. It aims to provide consumers with more choices and reduce excessive fees that hurt small businesses."

Senator Roger Marshall emphasized the bill's focus on transparency and competition: "By promoting competition among networks, we can ensure better service for both consumers and merchants."

The National Retail Federation expressed support for the bill. In a statement, they said, "We believe investing in new technologies and legislating national data security standards will create a stronger payment system."

Conversely, the Electronic Payments Coalition raised concerns about potential negative impacts on consumer rewards programs. Their spokesperson remarked, "This bill could lead to fewer benefits for cardholders and higher costs overall."

As discussions continue, stakeholders from various sectors are closely monitoring developments related to this significant legislative proposal.


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